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The heavyweight views of 10 synthetic biology leaders! Difficulty in scaling up, limited investment options, low acceptance, and ideal locations yet to be explored


The heavyweight views of 10 synthetic biology leaders! Difficulty in scaling up, limited investment options, low acceptance, and ideal locations yet to be explored

Feb 14,2025

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1. The number of investors and the scale of innovation are major challenges

Shara Ticku, CEO and co-founder of C16 Biosciences, is leading the company at the forefront of synthetic biology. Ticku believes that synthetic biology has enormous potential in the field of food production, especially in the production of basic food ingredients such as proteins and fatty acids.

Ticku pointed out that capital is a major issue facing this field, as the number of experienced investors who can truly help these companies grow is limited. In addition, how to scale up the innovation in the laboratory is also a challenge that needs to be overcome.

2. Synthetic biology has potential in the fields of agriculture and medicine

Leah Jordan, The business development manager of the California Life Sciences Association is full of expectations for the enormous potential of synthetic biology in agriculture and healthcare.

She is particularly concerned about agricultural breakthroughs and believes that synthetic biology can help increase yields without damaging the environment. At the same time, she is also optimistic about the future development of CRISPR technology.

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3. Infinite potential for complex carbohydrate synthesis

Farzaneh Rezaei and Keira Havens from Pivot Bio are dedicated to developing clean alternatives to synthetic nitrogen fertilizers to revolutionize agriculture.

They believe that synthetic biology has a huge advantage in utilizing the unique properties of biology, especially in the process of converting simple carbohydrates into complex carbohydrates. However, how to make farmers accept and use biological products is a challenge they face.

4. Understanding the workings of biological systems is a major challenge

Fatma Kaplan, CEO of Pheronym, is using pheromone based solutions to control plant nematodes.

She believes that synthetic biology will not only have a positive impact in the field of agriculture, but also play an important role in other areas. 

Although handling biomaterials and understanding how biological systems work is a major challenge, Kaplan is confident in the future of synthetic biology.

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5. Africa urgently needs funding for synthetic biology

Jocelyn Sirindi Kaburi, Biomedical research scientists from the Kenyan Medical Research Institute have emphasized the extensive applications of synthetic biology beyond agriculture, including drug development, food production improvement, and alternative pest control.

However, on behalf of the African continent, she pointed out that the biggest challenge is the lack of funding. Despite active laboratory research, it faces difficulties in pushing products to the market.

6. We should focus on genome synthesis technology

Wenning Qin, as the Director of Genomic Engineering at eGenesis, is leading the company towards a revolutionary mission - to develop organs compatible with humans for xenotransplantation. 

Through gene editing technology, they hope to synthesize the genome of a species from scratch, such as the extinct woolly mammoth.

If successful, it will be a feat of opening up a whole new world. Qin believes that synthetic biology has enormous potential in synthesizing entire species genomes, whether for therapeutic purposes or for developing new energy and materials.

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7. Artificial meat faces challenges in terms of scale and acceptance

Meghan O'Brien is a scientist at Ecovative, a company that uses a mycelium biomanufacturing platform to build sustainable materials. 

She believes that synthetic biology will have a huge impact in the fields of health and medicine, especially in the area of customized healthcare. However, the acceptance of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is currently a challenge in this field.

O'Brien specifically mentioned a stunning synthetic biology project - engineered meat, which has not received widespread attention for many years but is now rapidly rising, attracting high levels of investment despite difficulties in scale and acceptance.

8. We should pursue methods that are safe, effective, and cost-effective

Ena Cratsenburg, Chief Business Officer of Ginkgo Bioworks, believes that synthetic biology has the potential to be applied in a wide range of fields, from biomaterials to food and beverage, and even human therapy. 

She sees synthetic biology as the fourth industrial revolution, where by gaining a deeper understanding of the behavior of biological systems, we can design engineering systems that truly provide us with value.

Especially in the healthcare field, there are many unmet patient needs, and developing safe, effective, and ultimately cost-effective treatment methods will bring enormous benefits to humanity.

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9. It is urgent to tell a vivid story of synthetic biology

Megan Lizarazo, Executive Vice President of iGEM Foundation, emphasized the potential of synthetic biology in multiple fields such as food agriculture, healthcare, and basic technologies of synthetic biology.

She believes that the ability to convey the story of synthetic biology, not only within the community but also to the public, is a key focus that needs to be addressed in the current field. 

IGEM serves as a platform that enables participants to self educate and understand what they need to learn in order to achieve their goals, with communication being an important part.

10. Space exploration is an ideal place for synthetic biology

Lynn Rothschild, a senior research scientist at NASA's Ames Research Center, is using synthetic biology for space exploration to reduce upstream mass costs, use small volume materials, and grow at the destination.

She mentioned the project of using fungal mycelium to grow habitats, which not only solves the problem of upstream quality, but also provides a reliable storage solution. 

In addition, she also mentioned years of bio mining projects - extracting metals through engineered cells, which is crucial for the reliability of electronic devices in harsh radiation environments.

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